Canadian Cardiovascular Society

Member Bulletin Board

Please note that any member bulletin board items will be posted in the language they were submitted.

Cardiovascular Community News

The Canadian Practice in the Antiplatelet Management of ACS Patients Treated Medically: A National Survey

The purpose of this survey is to gather Canadian experience regarding the prescription of post-discharge antiplatelet therapy for the medical treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) when no revascularization strategy is used. This stems from a necessity to better understand the needs in the absence of a clear literature guiding medical practice for the optimal antiplatelet management of this population.

Study Investigating Expert Opinions on E-Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation

The Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) at McMaster University is seeking cardiologists, perioperative physicians or trainees in those respective fields across Canada to participate in a
5-minute survey regarding knowledge, attitudes and prescribing practices of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation.

Your generous involvement would allow us to better understand the consensus amongst experts across Canada and the need for further research or policymaking in the field of e-cigarettes for smoking

World Heart Federation Global Survey – FLUence project

The purpose of this survey is to understand your opinion about influenza vaccination in adult patients, with a focus on people living with cardiovascular diseases. This survey is voluntary, and all of your responses, as well as your participation in the survey itself, will be anonymized. Participating in this project will take less than 4 minutes, and your contribution will greatly assist us.

CACHNET survey on Educational Needs for Patients with Congenital Heart Disease 

This project is focused on identifying educational needs for all Cardiologists relating to Congenital Heart Disease. Please complete this brief survey, which should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Participants are eligible for an Amazon Gift Card for compensation.

Cardiac Surgeon Survey

Researchers at the Ottawa Heart Institute are hoping to ascertain the sentiment of cardiac surgeons regarding postoperative afib as a problem that needs novel therapies. Please complete this 3-question survey, which should take you less than 2 minutes to complete.

Upcoming Events

14th International Kawasaki Disease Symposium
August 26-29, 2024 | Montreal, Quebec | Hotel Bonaventure

The IKDS is the major international summit where researchers and health professionals gather from around the globe every 3 years to exchange knowledge and make a difference in the lives of children afflicted by the disease named after Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, who passed away in June 2020.

Are you a member with information or news that you would like posted to the Member Bulletin Board? Please contact to have your item added.

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