Canadian Cardiovascular Society

First Year Residents’ Bootcamp

Each July, new trainees are introduced to their adult cardiology, pediatric cardiology or cardiac surgery training programs locally. These introductions range in format from a few sessions focused on orientation, to more robust week-long programs. Although some topics deal uniquely with local practice, others are applicable to all residents across Canada.

Adult Cardiology (AC) Bootcamp

Following a pilot initiative primarily with the Ontario cardiology program directors in 2020 and 2021, the CCS now hosts the annual Adult Cardiology Residents’ Bootcamp. Canadian cardiology program directors have combined their efforts and resources to create an outstanding national bootcamp program to introduce cardiology trainees to shared clinical topics.


This year, all 15 programs across Canada took part in this program aiming to prepare trainees for what’s to come throughout their next three years. In addition, it offers trainees the opportunity to network with program faculty and fellow trainees from across Canada very early on. The longer-term goal is to develop a national best practice approach.

Pediatric Cardiology (PC) Bootcamp

Following the success of the Adult Cardiology Residents Bootcamp, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) is planning to host the first Pediatric Cardiology Residents Bootcamp in the Summer of 2025.

More information to come.

Cardiac Surgery Bootcamp

The Canadian Society of Cardiac Surgeons (CSCS), a CCS Affiliate, has been responsible for the Cardiac Surgery Bootcamp for many years already.  

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