Bursaries, Grants and Awards
Here is a list of great resources if you are looking for bursaries, grants, scholarships or awards in medicine in Canada:
CHRS Trainee Travel Grant
Description: The Canadian Heart Rhythm Society (CHRS) offers support to trainees travelling to conferences to present their research. These grants are reserved for CHRS members presenting their research in the electrophysiology field at a heart rhythm/arrhythmia related meeting.
Dr. Charles Kerr Award – Canadian Cardiovasular Society
Description: This new annual CCSA award seeks not only to honor the memory and actions of Dr. Kerr as a humanitarian but to acknowledge those residents who personify his ideals and embody the same commitment to helping others.
Have a Heart Bursary Program – Canadian Cardiovascular Society
Description: The ‘Have a Heart’ Bursary program is a travel bursary program designed to introduce promising young Canadian medical students, post-graduate trainees, and basic scientists-in-training to the cardiovascular field in Canada.
CCS Awards
Description: Each year, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) recognizes the outstanding achievements of individual Canadians and Canadian organizations that contribute to cardiovascular health and care. CCS Awards are granted for excellence in research, teaching, exemplary care, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and overall career contribution.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society – Bayer Resident Vascular Award
Description: This Award is intended for Canadian clinical trainees (PGY 4-6) for a research project on any topic related to thrombosis, anticoagulation, stroke, or atrial fibrillation. Applicants must be residents enrolled in a Canadian clinical training program (PGY 4-6) for, but not limited to, adult or pediatric cardiology, cardiac or vascular surgery.
Medicine Scholarships in Canada
Description: An extensive list of medicine scholarships awarded in Canada for higher education students. Includes scholarships, awards, prizes and bursaries in the field of Medicine.
Royal College Funding Opportunities
Description: An extensive list of medical education-related grants, awards, and Fellowships. Content is reviewed and updated bi-weekly (or when applicable).
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Description: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research.
Fonds de recherche Santé Québec
Description: The FRSQ allocates $100 million annually in awards and grants for public-sector research into human health carried out today in universities and hospital-based research centres.
Heart and Stroke research programs
Description: The Heart and Stroke Foundation supports the development of researchers across the research career spectrum from doctoral students to career investigators.
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
Description: The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program attracts and retains world-class doctoral students and helps establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning.
CMA Special Awards
Description: CMA awards in a broad range of fields.
Bourses de recherche de la SQIC
Description: Bursaries for research projects in the field of heart failure.
Mackenzie King Scholarships
Description: The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship is awarded each year. The value has recently been about $8500 but it is subject to change.
CARMS Sandra Banner Student Award for Leadership
Description: The purpose of these annual awards is to encourage the development of future leaders in medicine, through public recognition and financial support of one undergraduate and one postgraduate medical trainee who has demonstrated interest in/aptitude for leadership.