Canadian Cardiovascular Society

About Early Career Members

The CCS Early Career Member category is comprised of specialists in cardiovascular fields (i.e. cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and PhD researchers) in their first seven years of practice or research. 

In 2020, an Early Career Working Group was established to examine and address immediate gaps and needs. In 2021, Early Career Members were recognized by the CCS Board as a distinct sub-category of Regular Members and provided with reduced membership fees during their first two years of practice. A formal CCS Early Career (EC) Committee was established under the leadership of Dr. William McIntyre. 

2023-2025 Early Career Committee


The role of the Early Career Committee is to represent the interests and showcase the skills of Early Career Members on the various CCS Standing Committees and the CCS Board of Directors and to ensure the provision and quality of Early Career Member-specific initiatives of the CCS. 

Initiatives Underway

In addition to ensuring that there is Early Career member representation on all CCS Committees, working groups and initiatives, CCS is actively promoting Early Career Members’ involvement across the organization. 

The EC Committee’s focus for 2024/25 will be on the need for clinical and practice management education and the development of a plan. 

For more information, please contact Linda Palmer, Director, Membership Services and Affiliate Relations at

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