Guideline Resources
The CCS actively supports guideline knowledge translation to move guideline recommendations into clinical practice. Our programs include a variety of activities, resources and tools that help Canadian cardiovascular health professionals integrate the guidelines into patient care. Our programs focus on awareness and education as well as handy reference tools and resources. Current guideline activities and resources include regional workshops, online webinars, pocket reference guides, educational slide decks, calculators, worksheets and our very popular smart phone apps.
If you have questions or comments on our guidelines or resources please email us at
By submitting your feedback, you will directly impact the educational programming of future Guidelines and Position Statements and help us achieve our goal to provide the highest quality of educational programming that meets the needs of our cardiovascular community.
It is CCS policy that no industry support is accepted for the development of guidelines or position statements.
CCS does accept third party funding for guideline knowledge translation activities, seeking multiple supporters whenever possible. Supporters have no involvement in content development. We wholeheartedly thank the following organizations for their support of our knowledge translation program through educational grants; we could not deliver the program without their generous support.