Canadian Cardiovascular Society

About Members in Training

Trainees represent the future of cardiovascular care in Canada and are an essential part of our membership. Our Trainee Committee is dedicated to providing trainees with valuable programs and services tailored to their needs as they progress through their training. For example, the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress offers the very popular Cardiovascular Trainee Program and networking luncheon, comprising of sessions and workshops to meet the unique needs of trainees. At Congress, trainees learn about trainee-specific issues and network with fellow colleagues, program directors and leaders in the field of cardiovascular medicine and research.

Both the CCS and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Academy (CCSA) recognize that Canada’s trainees represent not only the future of cardiovascular healthcare in Canada, but also the future of both organizations. For the balance of Canadian trainees, the time spanning the transition from school to work, can be challenging. The Trainee Committee continuously explores means to provide Canada’s trainees with unique programs and services while they are in training.

Here are some ways CCS members are involved in supporting trainee programming:

  • Volunteering as a faculty member for TRPs, bootcamps, and networking events
  • Donating to the CCSA to support education, research, scholarships and bursaries
  • Helping to spread the word about the importance of training the next generation of cardiovascular clinicians and scientists

Interested in becoming more involved? Reach out to learn more.

CCS Trainee Committee

All trainees of the CCS are represented by the Trainee Committee. The chair of the Trainee Committee is the trainee representative on the CCS Board of Directors. The mandate of the Trainee Committee is to identify and address specific needs and concerns of trainees in adult cardiology, pediatric cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, and cardiovascular research across the country.

Interested in joining the Trainee Committee? Every summer a call for applications to all CCS Members-In-Training takes place whereby trainees are selected to join the Trainee Committee.

Programs and Services

The following programs and services were identified through extensive consultation with Canada’s trainees.

  • Trainee Review Programs (TRPs): The highly successful programs for adult cardiology, pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery. The TRPs are preparation programs for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada qualifying exams. 
  • Cardiovascular Trainee Program: The trainee program is integrated into the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (CCC), and offers hands-on skills labs as well as educational sessions in research, cardiac surgery, cardiology and personal/career development. 
  • Trainee Resources:  The Trainee section on the CCS website provides pertinent trainee information including fellowship positions, funding information, study tips and much more.

Become involved with CCS Journals

CS trainees have several exclusive opportunities to get involved with our journals.

Learn more about these opportunities on the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, CJC Open, and CJC Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease websites.

Contact Us

Feedback or questions? Email us at for more information about our programs and services.

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