Cardiovascular Specialist / PhD / Pharmacist with a CV Specialty
Cardiovascular Specialist/PhD/Pharmacist Regular Members are specialists in cardiovascular health and diseases, or specialists who do not have a specialty qualification in a cardiovascular discipline but are recognized as having a major interest and time commitment to cardiovascular disease, or those with doctorates or equivalent.
- Fee: $625.00 + Affiliate membership fees (if selected) + applicable taxes
Early Career Cardiovascular Specialist / PhD / Pharmacists with a CV Specialty
Cardiovascular Specialist/PhD/Pharmacist Early Career Members are specialists in cardiovascular health and diseases, or specialists who do not have a specialty qualification in a cardiovascular discipline but are recognized as having a major interest and time commitment to cardiovascular disease, or those with doctorates or equivalent. They are also transitioning through their first seven years in practice (practicing in Canada in the period immediately following receipt of their final degree or the conclusion of their full-time training.
First year fee (trainees transitioning to early career): $312.50 + applicable taxes (a 50% discount)
- Second year fee: $468.75 + applicable taxes (a 25% discount)
NOTE: In addition to the benefits provided to Regular members, Early Career members are also eligible to apply to take part in the CCS/CCSA Future Leaders Program.
Cardiovascular Specialist/PhD/Pharmacist Membership Benefits and Services
As the trusted voice of cardiovascular clinicians, scientists, and CV healthcare professionals in Canada, the CCS advances heart health for all – and membership has its privileges!
Not only do members have access to the CCS’s full complement of highly regarded Clinical Practice Guidelines, knowledge translation tools, and CPD programming, but as a CCS member you will be able to take advantage of tangible member benefits including:
- A free online subscription to the Canadian Journal of Cardiology (a $450.00 value).
- Discounted rates to publish articles in the CJC Open and the new CJC Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease.
- A greater than 50% discount on registration rates for the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, plus discounts on other CCS accredited events and Affiliate events.
- Exclusive access to the CCS Affinity Program, offering rates and discounts on products and services from RBC Wealth Management and TD Insurance.
- A subscription to the members-only CCS Online monthly newsletter, featuring updates on Guidelines, upcoming events, continuing professional development and more.
- Exclusive access to view the CCS members-only job portal and submit postings for inclusion.
- Exclusive access and posting privileges to the CCS Member Bulletin Board.
There’s more!
The CCS offers opportunities to be recognized for your contributions to patient care, the cardiovascular community, and innovations in CV care:
- Eligibility to become a Fellow of the CCS.
- Eligibility to apply for CCS Research Fellowships and Awards.
- Eligibility to be nominated/nominate a colleague for one of nine CCS Recognition Awards, CCC Awards and Affiliate Society Awards.
Influence clinical care, innovations in research and the profession while advancing your career
- Leadership opportunities: Consider putting your name forward to join the Board of Directors or be part of committees and working groups that work on issues you care about.
- Influence Practice: Help develop Clinical Practice Guidelines and knowledge to action tools. Be eligible to submit topic suggestions for future clinical practice guidelines development. Help develop Canadian standards and public policy initiatives.
- KOL/invited speaker: Be eligible to submit a workshop topic at the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress and be invited to be a speaker at the CCC and other CCS CPD Programs.
- Have your say: Attend and vote at the CCS Annual Business Meeting.
- Opportunity to be an abstract reviewer for the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.
- Contribute to the future of CV care: Empower clinician-researchers as a Peer Reviewer for the various awards offered through the CCS Research Fellowships and Awards program.
We also help you grow your network!
- Join other cardiovascular professionals through events and volunteer opportunities.
- Support the next generation through mentorship and support of trainees and early career programs.
- Connect with other members via the CCS member directory at
- Find your niche and join one of our 14 Affiliate societies that are part of the One Heart Team.