Société cardiovasculaire du Canada

Babillard des membres

Veuillez noter que tous les éléments du babillard des membres seront affichés dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été soumis.

The devastating tsunami of Boxing Day 2004 is one of the greatest natural disasters of this century. This 2005 book about the tsunami is available free online for anyone to read anywhere in the world. It is written by Canadian cardiologist Dr Vivian Rambihar, his daughter Toronto cardiologist Dr Sherryn Rambihar, and daughter Dr Vanessa Rambihar, who volunteered in Sri Lanka a few months after the tsunami. It was launched at a Global Heart Event on Valentine’s Day 2005 to launch the concept of Global Heart.

Nouvelles de la communauté cardiovasculaire

Now Available, Dr. Tony Sanflippo’s newly published book: The Doctors We Need

CCS member Dr. Tony Sanfilippo’s latest book, The Doctors We Need, offers a practical roadmap for ensuring every Canadian has access to quality primary care.

Learn more and order here

Annual Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference

Join the 3rd Annual Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference and learn from national and international experts about the challenges and opportunities in understanding and treating rare cardiac conditions,

Open to all interested healthcare professionals involved with or interested in the care of patients with rare cardiac conditions, researchers, and policy decision makers. Please share among your networks.

For more information, visit the Rare Cardiac Conditions Conference webpage, or watch the playlist from last year’s conference.

Friday, February 28, 2025 – 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Online via Zoom

CIHR-ICRH Online Survey – Research Priority Plan 2025-2030  

The CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH) invites you to provide input to inform the development of our Institute’s 2025-2030 Research Priority Plan (RPP). This RPP will guide the Institute’s work, including our strategic research investments, to advance science priorities focused on heart, lung, brain (stroke), blood, blood vessels, sleep as well as emergency room and critical care services for circulatory and respiratory health.     

iCARDIO Alliance Obesity Survey

We invite you to participate in a brief survey on obesity and cardiovascular disease. As you know, obesity is a growing global concern, closely linked with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and liver diseases. Effective patient management is becoming more complex, and your insights are crucial.

Your feedback will help us develop more holistic guidelines approaches to better meet healthcare needs. All responses are confidential, and we’ve partnered with QuestionPro to ensure your privacy. Thank you for your time and input.

Cardiology Needs Assessment Regarding Transgender Health

Dr. Sofia Ahmed and her colleague Dr. Carl Streed are assessing how cardiovascular care is delivered to transgender and non-binary persons. 

 Drs. Streed and Ahmed have developed a survey that is being offered to the AHA and CCS membership.  The research has been approved by ethics at Boston University.   Here is the link to the survey – please take a look and offer your perspective

Évaluation de la pratique canadienne concernant le traitement antiplaquettaire des patients atteints d’un SCA traités médicalement : Une enquête nationale

Le but de cette enquête est de recueillir l’expérience canadienne concernant la prescription d’un traitement antiplaquettaire suite au congé pour le traitement médical du syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA) lorsqu’aucune stratégie de revascularisation n’est utilisée. La nécessité de cette enquête découle d’une nécessité de mieux comprendre les besoins en l’absence d’une littérature claire guidant la pratique médicale pour la prise en charge antiplaquettaire optimale dans cette population.

Study Investigating Expert Opinions on E-Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation

The Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) at McMaster University is seeking cardiologists, perioperative physicians or trainees in those respective fields across Canada to participate in a
5-minute survey regarding knowledge, attitudes and prescribing practices of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation.

Your generous involvement would allow us to better understand the consensus amongst experts across Canada and the need for further research or policymaking in the field of e-cigarettes for smoking

Enquête de la Fédération mondiale du cœur – Project FLUence

L’objectif de cette enquête est d’apprendre quelle est votre opinion sur la vaccination contre la grippe chez les patients adultes atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires. Cette enquête est volontaire et toutes vos réponses, ainsi que vos coordonnées, seront anonymes.  Participer à ce projet vous prendra environ 5 minutes et nous aidera à mieux comprendre quelle est l’opinion des médecins qui prennent en charge les patients atteintes de maladies cardiovasculaires à niveau internationale.

CACHNET survey on Educational Needs for Patients with Congenital Heart Disease 

This project is focused on identifying educational needs for all Cardiologists relating to Congenital Heart Disease. Please complete this brief survey, which should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Participants are eligible for an Amazon Gift Card for compensation.

Cardiac Surgeon Survey

Researchers at the Ottawa Heart Institute are hoping to ascertain the sentiment of cardiac surgeons regarding postoperative afib as a problem that needs novel therapies. Please complete this 3-question survey, which should take you less than 2 minutes to complete.

Événements à venir

Are you a member with information or news that you would like posted to the Member Bulletin Board? Please contact to have your item added.

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