2023 CCS Call for Topics Information Guide
The 2023 Call for Topics Submission Period is Now Closed
The Call for Topics (CfT) season for Guidelines and Clinical Practice Updates (CPU) has arrived! The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Guidelines Committee is seeking CCS member submissions for potential Guideline and CPU development in the 2024 cycle. The Guideline Committee aims to approve 2-3 Guidelines/CPUs for the upcoming cycle^.
We look forward to receiving high-quality submissions that support CCS’s Mission and Vision:
- Mission: Strong heart teams in a heart healthy Canada.
- Vision: We advance heart health for all.
- Strategic Pillars:
- We set standards for excellence in heart health and care.
- We build the knowledge and expertise of the heart team.
- We influence policy and advocate for the heart health of all Canadians.
The Call for Topics submission system opens September 25, 2023 and closes October 31, 2023. Think about a topic you’d like to submit. Strongly consider collaboration with other CCS members and Affiliates. Detailed timeline is below. Note that no late submissions will be accepted.
Please review the criteria and checklist listed below to ensure all requirements are satisfied.
Submission Requirements Checklist
Please develop a complete, well-prepared submission including:
- CCS Member submitter’s complete contact information.
- Identification about whether the topic is a Guideline or CPU (see table at end for comparison).
- Title and summary of the Guideline/CPU (up to 150 words):
- If the topic is a CPU, please state the format for the document (e.g., pathway, position, clinical advice or update, algorithm, checklist, etc.).
- CCS Affiliate(s) that have been consulted about the topic submission and if accepted, will collaborate on the Guideline/CPU: please list the Affiliate(s).
- See CCS.ca for CCS Affiliates: https://ccs.ca/one-heart-team/.
- Scope and rationale for the proposed Guideline/CPU (up to 1,000 words):
- Include drafts of important clinical questions.
- Describe the unmet clinical burden. This can be described from perspectives such as: breakthrough recommendations, gaps in care, major changes or gaps in evidence, care or care delivery, large and unique implications for Canada (in published evidence or context), clearly defined needs/voice of people with lived experience (PWLE), those who use health or care services, carers, or communities affected by the Guideline/CPU).
- Report the potential for this Guideline/CPU to address the described gaps in care and outcomes for PWLE.
- Identify sources of clinical evidence (e.g., systematic reviews) or any preliminary literature reviews, and include reference to policy and/or economic evidence (if possible);
- At minimum, include 1-2 references.
- A list of the target audience(s).
- For example, physicians (specialists [community and academic], primary care providers), nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, exercise physiologists, social workers/psychologists, people with lived experience, carers of people with lived experience.
- Co-chair nominee(s) and Primary Panel member suggestions:
- The Guidelines Committee will select Co-chairs and will approve the Primary Panel^
- Co-chairs:
- Self-nomination from the CfT submitter is welcome for one Co-chair position (see Co-chair position description):
- Letter-of-intent with conflict(s)-of-interest (COI) is required for self-nominations.
- Optional: CfT submitter may identify a second Co-chair for Guidelines Committee consideration.
- Self-nomination from the CfT submitter is welcome for one Co-chair position (see Co-chair position description):
- Primary Panel: The Primary Panel will include approximately 10-20 members with demonstrated excellence in clinical, scientific, methodological or experiential expertise relating to the Topic submitted. CfT submitter is requested to suggest up to 10 Primary Panel members; please include name, profession, province/territory, email address or phone number. Please remember all Panel Members will require Guidelines Committee approval.
- The Primary Panel is a balanced group and will also:
- Follow CCS policy regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion; gender, geography, and generation (career stage) considered.
- Include a methodologist expert in assessing evidence, and have knowledge of or practice in the topic area and GRADE.
- Include 1-2 PWLE and/or carers on the primary or secondary panel to inform questions and validate needs and scope of the Guideline/CPU (this is topic dependent).
- Include interdisciplinary heath care providers/teams (i.e. pharmacists, nurses, primary care providers).
- May include any other important end-users that are not covered above.
- Possess demonstrated competencies described in the CCS Core Competencies for Committee members.
- Combine to form a balanced COI: Primary Panel must be 50% + 1 with no significant conflicts. COI will be verified with CCS staff support.
- Date of last CCS Guideline or CPU publication, if applicable (past Guideline/CPUs: https://ccs.ca/guidelines-and-position-statement-library/) relating to the topic of the submission.
- In the event of overlap with prior topics, describe the unique features and needs of the current submission.
- Suggestions for knowledge translation approaches (evidence-based welcome) that addresses clinician and PWLE need.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please review the new category of Major Recurring Topics below. In general, you should be aware that submitting a Guideline topic that is too closely aligned to Topics listed in this category may result in your submission not being accepted. However, you may submit a Topic related to a specific aspect of these (usually a CPU). One or more of these topics will be developed in 2024.
Submission Evaluation
Evaluation will be assessed according to the submission criteria above, using the linked rubric (coming soon). All Guideline Committee members will assess each submission and will meet to identify successful topics^.
Steps and Tips
- Begin discussing your topic idea with other CCS members and Affiliates.
- Draft your submission according to the submission criteria above, including a letter-of-intent if you are self-nominating as Co-chair.
- Enter your submission into the submission portal from Sept 25 to Oct 31, 2023.
Date | Step | Owner |
Sept 18 | Begin planning and preparing draft submissions | CCS Member |
Sept 25 | Portal opens for submissions | CCS Member |
Oct 31 | Portal closes at 11:59 p.m. EDT NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED | CCS Staff |
Oct 18 – Nov 6 | Report development | CCS Staff |
Nov 6 – 20 | Assessment period | Guideline Committee |
Late Nov | Guideline Committee Review 1 | Guideline Committee, CCS Staff |
Dec – Jan | Review and decision period | Guideline Committee, CCS Staff |
Jan | Notifications | CCS Staff to CCS Member Submitters |
New for Guidelines / CPU Development
In addition to the open call for topics to CCS members, the Guidelines Committee is working to implement two additional categories for future Guidelines and CPU topic development. The two new categories have been created to address identified process improvements and in response to feedback from CCS member leaders and consultations with the CCS Board, CCS Council, Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC) and Canadian Cardiovascular Affiliate Senate (C-CAS)*.
Major Recurring Topics
- Pre-determined, high-impact Guideline topics that require regular updates, address the greatest needs of CCS members, patients and the broad healthcare community.
- These are in alphabetical order and may be subject to change:
- Acute Ischemic Heart Disease
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Cardiac Devices
- Chronic Vascular Disease
- Heart Failure
- Lipids/Prevention/Rehab
- Valvular Heart Disease
- Topics slate will be on a 4- to 5-year rotation, priority/order defined by the Guidelines Committee^.
Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming slate of major recurring topics and processes for development.
Targeted topic(s)
Topics approved in response to a significant need or urgent/important change in the cardiovascular environment. Decided by the Guidelines Committee in consultation with stakeholders: CCS Leadership Team, C-CAS, CCS Board, CCS Council, Advocacy Committee, CJC, EDI Committee, Continuing Professional Development Committee^.
Targeted topics could be a Guideline or CPU.
If you have questions related to the CfT process, please email guidelines@ccs.ca; your email will be responded to in 24 hours, excluding weekends.
Thank you! We look forward to reviewing your submission.
Related Information
- CCS Guideline Co-chair Position Description with CCS Competencies
- CCS CPU Co-chair Position Description with CCS Competencies
- CCS Chair and Committee Member Competencies
- CfT Assessment Rubric (coming soon)
^ Guideline Committee decision authority is documented in the CCS Delegation of Authority instrument and aligns with CCS Governance structure.
* CCS Board, CCS Council, C-CAS, CCS membership, and CJC.