5. Driving: Congestive Heart Failure, Left Ventricular Dysfunction, Cardiomyopathy, Transplantation
HF, LV Dysfunction, CM, Transplatation — Conditions
NYHA Class I
- Private driving is permitted with no restriction.
- Commercial driving is permitted only if LVEF ≥35%.
- Private driving is permitted with no restriction.
- Commercial driving is permitted only if LVEF ≥35%.
- Private driving is permitted with no restriction.
- Commercial driving is not permitted (disqualified).
NYHA Class IV; Receiving intermittent outpatient or home inotropes
- Private driving is not permitted (disqualified)
- Commercial driving is not permitted (disqualified).
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
- Private driving is permitted for patients with a continuous flow LVAD who are stable 2 months post implantation and are NYHA class I-III.
- Commercial driving is not permitted (disqualified).
Heart transplant
- Private driving is permitted beginning 6 weeks after discharge, is NYHA Class I or II, is on stable immunotherapy, AND is undergoing annual reassessment.
- Commercial driving is permitted beginning 6 months after discharge, if NYHA Class I, only if LVEF ≥35%, is undergoing annual reassessment, AND annual non-invasive test of ischemic burden shows no evidence of active ischemia.