Exemplary Leadership in Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery Award
The award for Exemplary Leadership in Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery recognizes and celebrates an outstanding contribution by a clinical cardiovascular specialist*.
Eligibility Criteria:
CCS Members are asked to nominate an individual who:
- Is a Canadian citizen, and Member in good standing of CCS;
- Has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the field of clinical/community cardiology or cardiac surgery (i.e., non-academic focus) through one or more of the following practices:
- Role-modelling best practice and evidence-based care within their community;
- Actively championing and participating in quality improvement initiatives and programs within the community;
- Participating in the development and implementation of community-wide cardiovascular disease professional and/or patient-facing education and prevention programs;
- Serving as a resource to other healthcare professionals in the community, such as by serving as a mentor or by driving professional development;
- Participating in local and national professional organizations and committees to advocate for optimal cardiovascular care;
- Participating in and exemplifying most current, evidence-based practice and influencing and supporting others to do the same, particularly early career colleagues and mentees.
A nomination submission must include the following documents:
- a letter of recommendation summarizing the candidate’s highly respected clinical contributions relative to this award;
- an updated CV and a brief 1-2 page biography of the nominee.
Questions or comments can be sent to: nominations@ccs.ca.
Award Prize:
In addition to the plaque presentation at the annual CCS Awards Ceremony, which takes place during the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, the Exemplary Leadership in Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery Award recipient will receive complimentary registration for the current year’s Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.
Award Recipients:
2024 – Christopher Johnson, Ottawa
2023 – Anne Williams, St. John’s
*A clinical cardiovascular specialist is a medical doctor or surgeon who specializes in diagnosing,
treating, and preventing diseases and conditions of the heart and blood vessels in a clinical setting, such
as a hospital or private practice. They see patients, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and provide
medical or surgical treatments for a wide range of cardiovascular conditions.
An academic cardiovascular specialist is a medical doctor or surgeon who has a dual role, one as a clinical cardiovascular specialist and the other as a researcher, educator, and/or administrator in an
academic setting, such as a university or medical school. They may also see patients and provide clinical
care, but they also have a significant commitment to research, teaching, and/or administration. They
may be involved in developing new treatments and diagnostic techniques, training the next generation of cardiovascular specialist, and leading research teams. They also often have strong ties to academic medical centers and other research institutions.
In summary, the main difference between a clinical cardiovascular specialist and an academic cardiovascular specialist is that a clinical cardiovascular specialist primarily focuses on providing patient care while an academic cardiovascular specialist has a dual role of providing patient care while also being involved in research, education and administration.