Canadian Cardiovascular Society

CCS Women in Cardiovascular Medicine/Science Mentorship Award

This award is in recognition of women in cardiovascular medicine/science who are outstanding mentors to junior women in cardiovascular medicine/science.

Award Criteria:

To be eligible for Women in Cardiovascular Medicine/Science Mentorship Award, candidates must:

  1. The nominee is a Canadian citizen and must be a member of CCS;
  2. Be a woman who practices in the field(s) of cardiovascular medicine/science who has tangibly demonstrated a longstanding commitment and successful ability to offer outstanding academic/clinical mentorship and appropriate guidance, feedback and support to junior women in cardiovascular medicine/science.
A Nomination submission must include the following documents:
  1. Letter from the primary nominator outlining the rationale for the nomination;
  2. Letter of support from a second person;
  3. 1-2 page Biography of the nominee.
Nomination Criteria:

The nomination from CCS Member/Member in Training mentees and/or a senior colleague who has observed the nominee acting in a mentor capacity should include the following criteria;

  • Long term commitment to career development of women: evidence that the nominee has demonstrated a sustained commitment to mentoring of each mentee over a period of at least three (3) years;
  • Fosters supportive environment for mentorship/career development of women: evidence that the nominee has provided a supportive environment for professional development for women in cardiovascular medicine and research;
  • Impact as a mentor: Evidence the nominee has been influential in mentee career development and progression, and whose actions have inspired mentees to become mentors to other women.

Note: To mitigate direct conflict of interest, mentees submitting nomination letters should NOT be current doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows with the nominee

Questions or comments can be sent to:

Award Prize: 

In addition to the plaque presentation at the annual CCS Awards Ceremony, which takes place during the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, the Women in Cardiovascular Medicine/Science Mentorship Award recipient will receive complimentary registration for the current year’s Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.

Award Recipients:

2024 – Debra Isaac, Calgary
2023 – Ratika Parkash, Halifax
2022 – Phyllis Billia, Toronto
2021 – Michelle Graham, Edmonton
2020 – Heather Ross, Toronto

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