Société cardiovasculaire du Canada
Guideline Toolbar

10. Flying: DVT Prophylaxis

Recommendation for DVT Prophylaxis with Long-duration Air Travel*

  • Flight < 12 h – all travellers
    Avoid stasis, move around cabin, isometric calf exercises. Avoid dehydration, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Flight ≥ 12 h – low risk
    Avoid stasis, move around cabin, isometric calf exercises. Avoid dehydration, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Flight ≥ 12 h – moderate risk**
    Avoid stasis, move around cabin, isometric calf exercises. Avoid dehydration, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
    Below knee graduated pressure stockings; if elastic stockings not used, ASA 160 mg to 325 mg 4 h before flight (data for efficacy of ASA is inconclusive).
  • Flight ≥ 12 h – high risk***
    Avoid stasis, move around cabin, isometric calf exercises. Avoid dehydration, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
    Below knee graduated pressure stockings; if elastic stockings not used, low molecular weight heparin (4000 to 5000 anti-Xa units subcutaneously) 2 h before flight.

* Literature supports 12 hours as threshold for risk of developing thromboembolism but many would consider 9 hours long haul.

** Moderate risk: healthy people age > 75, women > 45 taking estrogen containing hormone replacement therapy, pregnant and postpartum women, people up to age 45 who are heterozygous carriers of mutations for Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin gene mutation, varicose veins, heart failure, myocardial infarction within previous 6 weeks, recent lower limb trauma within 6 weeks.

*** High risk: history of previous VTE, recent major surgery (within 6 weeks), active malignancy, gross obesity or marked immobility due to neuromuscular or cardiorespiratory disease, people age >45 with deficiencies of antithrombin, protein C or protein S, people age >75 with cardiac or pulmonary disease (8,9).

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