Quality Improvement Toolkits
The CCS Quality Project is dedicated to improving cardiovascular patient care in an evidence-based way. While development and reporting of cardiovascular quality indicators are important first steps towards quality improvement, the provision of best practice and benchmarking tools are critical in order to effectively implement changes within the health care system.
Developed by cardiovascular experts across Canada, the Quality Project toolkits are free and easy-to-use resources for hospitals planning to use and implement CCS Quality Indicators.
CCS TAVI Toolkit
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) toolkit contains a suite of practice-ready resources to optimize quality of care.
Available modules:
1. Introduction
2. Wait Time
3. Procedural Risk
4. Quality of Life
5. Heart Team Treatment Recommendation
This free, downloadable toolkit has been designed for program leaders, including TAVI coordinators, administrators, policy makers, and physician leaders.
The toolkit was developed collaboratively by the CCS TAVI Quality Working Group.