Canadian Cardiovascular Society

Our Work

Government submissions

February 2023CCS federal 2023 pre-budget submission
The CCS recommends that the government support Canada’s health systems’ recovery from COVID-19 by defining targets for screening, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease.
October 2022CCS federal 2023 pre-budget submission
The CCS urges the government to ensure Canadian heart failure patients receive optimal care and make policy/funding decisions that will mitigate the climate crisis and benefit cardiovascular health.
August 2021CCS federal 2022 pre-budget submission
The CCS advocates for a national heart failure strategy and improved access to defibrillators.
May 2020Challenges & opportunities: Cardiovascular care & COVID-19
The CCS highlights consequences of COVID-19 and recommends solutions to inform the federal government’s pandemic response.
February 2020CCS federal 2021 pre-budget submission
The CCS advocates for funds to sustain and expand national quality reporting.
August 2019CCS federal 2019 pre-budget submission
The CCS advocates for funds to sustain and expand national quality reporting.
August 2018CCS federal 2018 pre-budget submission
The CCS advocates for funds to sustain and expand national quality reporting.
August 2017CCS federal 2017 pre-budget submission
The CCS advocates for funds to sustain and expand national quality reporting.


May 2021CCS President, Dr. Marc Ruel, appears as a witness before the Standing Committee on Health to advocate for prioritizing the full Covid-19 vaccination of Canadian healthcare workers
May 2020CCS Quality Project Steering Committee Chair, Dr. Paul Dorian, appears as a witness before the Standing Committee on Health to highlight the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on cardiovascular care, and offer solutions
February 2020CCS President, Dr. Andrew Krahn, appears as a witness before the Standing Committee on Finance as part of their 2021 pre-budget consultations

Policies & Positions

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