Canadian Cardiovascular Society

The Institute of Health Economics Releases White Paper on Growing Burden of Heart Valve Disease

In 2040, Canada will have an estimated 1.5 million people over 65 with heart valve disease (HVD). The incidence of HVD is markedly increasing with the aging of the population and should be considered one of the next epidemics affecting millions of people worldwide. Patients with HVD are often underdiagnosed, undertreated, and referred for care too late in the course of the disease. HVD can cause complications such as heart failure and stroke.

To address gaps in HVD care in Canada, the CCS formed a Heart Valve Disease Strategy Working Group with Dr. David Messika-Zeitoun as chair and Drs. Jessica Forcillo and David Wood as vice-chairs. The working group will provide a mechanism for stakeholders to help transforming the care for individuals living with HVD. The report will inform the goals and priorities for the Working Group.

Read the full report.

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