Canadian Cardiovascular Society

Each year, the CCS recognizes the outstanding achievements of individual Canadians and Canadian organizations for their contributions to cardiovascular health and care. CCS Recognition Awards are granted for excellence in research, teaching, exemplary care, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and overall career contribution. All awardees are nominated by peers, and all nominations are heartily celebrated.

We invite you to congratulate your friends and colleagues and join us in recognizing all recipients at a ceremony on Thursday, October 24, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. PT in Vancouver, BC, during the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. 

Dr. Kwan Leung Chan

Ottawa, Ontario

CCS Achievement Award

Dr. Eric Yu

Toronto, Ontario

Distinguished Teacher/Mentor Award

Dr. Paul Oh

Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Harold N. Segall Award of Merit

Dr. Debra Isaac

Calgary, Alberta

CCS Women in Cardiovascular Medicine/Science Mentorship Award

Dr. Christopher Johnson

Ottawa, Ontario

Exemplary Leadership in Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery Award

Dr. Mena Gewarges

Toronto, Ontario

Trainee Excellence in Education Award

Dr. Jennifer L. Reed

Ottawa, Ontario

Dr. Robert E. Beamish Award

Dr. Geoffrey Pickering

London, Ontario

Research Achievement Award – Basic and Translational Science

Dr. Robert Sheldon

Calgary, Alberta

Research Achievement Award – Clinical Science

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