Canadian Cardiovascular Society


CPCA Executive Committee
PresidentCarolina Escudero 
Stollery Children’s Hospital 
Edmonton, AB 
President ElectAndrew Warren 
IWK Health Centre 
Halifax, NS 
Secretary-TreasurerLily Lin
Stollery Children’s Hospital
Edmonton, AB
Past PresidentLuc Mertens 
The Hospital for Sick Children 
Toronto, ON 
Scientific Program Committee ChairMichael Khoury
Stollery Children’s Hospital
Edmonton, AB
Early Career Representative Laurent Desjardins 
CHU de Québec 
Québec, QC 
Trainee RepresentativeChristopher Spence 
University of Alberta 
Edmonton, AB 

Contact Us

Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association
150 Elgin Street, Suite 1000
Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4

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