Société cardiovasculaire du Canada

Prix d’excellence en enseignement à un stagiaire

This Award was first presented in 2002. It acknowledges a CCS Member-in-Training for their extraordinary accomplishment in all aspects of medical education in any of the cardiovascular fields, be that adult cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, pediatric cardiology or pure research.

Award Criteria:

Nominations are solicited from CCS Members, Program Directors, Chiefs of Cardiology and Deans of Medicine.

The CCS Trainee Member should have:

  1. The nominee is a Canadian citizen and must be a member of CCS;
  2. Earned distinction as an outstanding teacher of fellow trainees, junior house-staff and medical students;
  3. Acquired accomplishments illustrating initiative and innovation in, and contributions to medical education.
A Nomination submission must include the following documents:
  1. Letter from the primary nominator outlining the rationale for the nomination;
  2. Second letter of support from the Program Director of the nominee;
  3. 1-2 page Biography of the nominee.

Questions or comments can be sent to:

Award Prize:

In addition to the plaque presentation at the annual CCS Awards Ceremony, which takes place during the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, the Trainee Excellence in Education Award recipient will receive up to $1,000 travel bursary and complimentary registration for the current year’s Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.

Award Recipients:

2023 – Abigail White, Edmonton
2022 – Whitney Faiella, Halifax
2021 – Edwin Bamwoya, Halifax
2020 – Dan Belliveau, Halifax & Andrew Caddell, Halifax
2019 – Guillaume Marquis-Gravel, Montréal
2018 – William McIntyre, Hamilton
2017 – Andrew Moeller, Ottawa
2016 – Laura Banks, Toronto
2015 – Dimitrios Tsirigotis, Toronto
2014 – James McKinney, Vancouver
2013 – Benjamin Hibbert, Ottawa
2012 – Brian Potter, Boston, MA
2011 – Jacob Udell, Boston, MA
2010 – Gilbert Tang, Toronto
2009 – Joel Price, Ottawa
2008 – Kapil Bhagirath, Winnipeg
2007 – Carolyn Taylor, Vancouver
2006 – Michael Froeschl, Ottawa
2005 – Phillip Jong, Toronto
2004 – Paul Novak, Montréal
2003 – No recipient
2002 – Anil Gupta, Brampton & Davinder Jassal, Halifax

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