Canadian Cardiovascular Society

CPCA Awards

Dr. Alain Cloutier Annual Achievement Award

The CPCA Dr. Alain Cloutier Annual Achievement Award was created in 2016 to recognize Canadian CPCA Members who have made outstanding contributions in their career within the pediatric cardiology field.

A call for nominations will go out annually to all CPCA members with a closing date of early-May.

Eligibility Criteria:

CPCA members are asked to nominate an individual:

  1. Whose career has significantly aided the growth of and support to the pediatric cardiology field;
  2. Who is a Member or a Past Member in good standing of the CPCA; and
  3. Who has highly respected attributes relative to this award.

Selection Criteria:

A nomination submission must include the following documents:

  1. A Letter of Recommendation summarizing the candidate’s highly respected attributes relative to this award; and
  2. A 1-2 page biography of the nominee.

Award Prize:

The award will be presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (CCC) at the CPCA Annual Business Meeting. The winner will receive an honorary plaque, as well as complimentary annual dues for the following year.

John Keith Lectureship

Each year a distinguished speaker is invited by the CPCA to deliver this keynote address at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress.

Click here to view the keynote speaker history.

Richard Rowe Award

The Richard Rowe Research Prize is presented annually to an individual for outstanding research in heart disease in children undertaken during training.

A call will go out annually to all CPCA members adhering to the CCS Call for Science deadline for abstract submissions.

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants may be from all levels of trainees including Residents, Fellows, Graduate or Medical students, and must:

  1. Attend a Canadian institution or Canadian training abroad, and be either in training or completed training within the twelve months prior to submission; and       
  2. Have done research related to heart disease in children, and
  3. Have had significant conceptual input into its development and have largely performed the research.

Regulations and Oral Presentation:

Candidates must submit an abstract via the CCC Abstract Submission Portal. When submitting your abstract you must indicate Congenital as the submission theme and indicate that you would like to be considered for the Richard Rowe Research Prize under the ‘Recognition, Awards, & Bursaries’ task.

Award Prize: The winner of the award will be announced at the CCC following the Richard Rowe Session presentations. The winner will receive a $1000 cash award and an honorary plaque.

Contact Us

Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association
150 Elgin Street, Suite 1000
Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4


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