The CCS/BMS-Pfizer Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Research Award
Since 2015, BMS-Pfizer and the CCS have awarded $2M to 27 early career researchers to support clinical, health services or population health research related to atrial fibrillation (AF). These multi-year research projects not only promote excellence in AF research but will ultimately improve the lives of Canadians living with AF.
The principle investigator must:
- be a CCS member in good standing;
- be in early career, i.e. a researcher who has held a full-time research appointment for a period of no longer than seven (7) years as of the competition deadline;
- hold an MD, and/or PhD and/or PharmD, or equivalent degree;
- be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant with permanent residence in Canada;
- hold an academic appointment in an eligible Canadian research institution;
- not have received funding from another organization (e.g., academic/ research institution, federal or provincial government funding agency, charity or NGO, pharmaceutical company, other research funder) for the proposal being submitted
Note: If the proposed study has co-PIs, the PI who is the primary contact must be in early career with an eligible academic appointment in an eligible Canadian research institution. Co-investigators may be at any career stage including trainees. Research teams are encouraged to include trainees and senior career mentors.
The proposed research must:
- be clinical, health services/systems or population health research (see CIHR definitions for Themes II-IV research); proposals for basic biomedical (Theme I) research will not be considered
- not involve a drug and/or medical device supply from any industry company.
- clearly identify the portion of the project that would be funded in its entirety by this award if the proposal is part of a larger research project
- be completed within 36 months from the start of funding
- be conducted in line with ICH guidelines and Canadian regulations (Health Canada) if a trial involving humans
Note: If the proposed study has co-PIs, the PI who is the primary contact must be in early career. Co-investigators may be at any career stage including trainees. Research teams are encouraged to include trainees and senior career mentors.
The award
Three (3) awards of up to $100,000 each will be awarded based on an independent peer review process.
Only the direct costs of research will be covered. No funding is to be used for indirect costs that cannot be directly associated with the proposed research.
Proposal budgets must not include salary support for principal or co-investigators. Salary support for students, technicians, nurses or support staff can be part of the budget request but must not exceed 50% of the total requested budget.
Budgets may include up to $5,000 for travel to present related work. Awardees are expected to attend the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. These costs shall be covered by the budgeted travel amount.
Award funds cannot be used for the purchase of major equipment. Minor pieces of equipment can be part of the budget request but must not exceed 25% of the total grant request.
All awardees are expected to attend the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. The CCS be contact awardees about participating in recognition events during CCC. The award travel budget may be used to cover awardee travel, accommodation and CCC registration.
The peer review process
All applications will be pre-screened for eligibility. Applications that are late, incomplete and/or do not meet the basic eligibility criteria will be not be considered for review.Peer review of all eligible applications will be conducted by a scientific review committee comprised of CCS members. Reviewers are selected for their expertise in cardiac arrhythmias.All eligible proposals will be reviewed by at least two members of the peer review committee. All applicants will receive feedback from reviewers. All applicants will receive notification of funding/non-funding and awards will be announced by June 30.
If you have any questions or require support preparing or submitting your application, please email