CCS-BMS HCM Research Award

The Canadian Cardiovascular Society and Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) are proud to support the CCS-BMS Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Research Award. The purpose of this award is to foster growth of peer-reviewed Canadian research in the area of HCM, with a focus on HCM diagnosis, progression monitoring, epidemiology and / or prevalence.
This research award has been made possible through a grant from Bristol Myers Squibb Canada Co. (“BMS”). BMS will not control, influence or participate in the award program whatsoever.
Application Deadline: Closed for 2024
- Be a CCS Member*. For more information about CCS Membership, visit the CCS website:
*You must be a CCS member to accept funding, but you can apply without being a member! - Applicants must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
- The principal investigator must be an early career independent researcher (within 5 years of their first faculty appointment at a Canadian academic institution). Co-applicants of different career stages can be included. Inclusion of at least one mid-career or senior investigator serving as mentor is strongly encouraged.
- Applicants can be principal investigators on only one application.
- Award funds are solely intended for research performed in Canada.
- The award and funds are intended for original research that is either clinical or translational with expected impact of HCM patient care. Proposal should not request supplement funding for an ongoing project.
- If the submission refers to a multicenter clinical trial, the applicant must specify their specific role in the research study.
- If the application is for a sub-study of an ongoing project or trial, the applicant must specify their role and explain how the sub-study is distinct from the main study.
- Funded research must be completed within 48 months from the start of funding.
- Research status report will be requested and should be submitted on October 1st of the ensuing year(s) that the project is running.
Eligible Areas of Research
Eligible research includes all areas of HCM, with preferential focus on HCM diagnosis, progression monitoring, epidemiology and / or prevalence. Should the study be clinical in nature, please outline how you will emphasize equity, diversity and inclusion in patient populations.
The Peer Review Process and Evaluation Committee
All applications will be pre-screened for eligibility. Applications that are late, incorrectly formatted, incomplete and/or do not meet the basic eligibility criteria will not be considered for review.
Peer review of all eligible applications will be conducted by a scientific review committee comprised of CCS members. Reviewers are selected for their subject matter expertise. All eligible proposals will be reviewed by at least two members of the peer review committee.
If you have any questions or require support preparing or submitting your application, please email
Supported by:
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society and BMS are proud to support the CCS-BMS HCM Research Award. With this award, we hope to further research on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to improve the lives of Canadians who are affected by this condition, and their families.