Welcome to the 2021 Virtual PAN-Ontario Residents Bootcamp. Before starting, please make sure your Wi-Fi connection, microphone, and camera are working properly.
For the 2021 Virtual PAN-Ontario Residents Bootcamp we will be using the Zoom platform. Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing tool that lets you host virtual one-on-one or team meetings.
Join a zoom test meeting to ensure your system is compatible.
How to join a Zoom session
Zoom System Requirements Mac/PC
Please refer to the Agenda for presentation times.
Presentations that will be available for download will be posted after the live sessions on Monday July 5, 2021. *Please note not all presentations will be made available for download.
2021 Pan-Ontario Bootcamp – Trainee Contact List. Should you wish to add your contact information please email martin@ccs.ca.
This initiative is made possible with the support of